Last week I tweeted a link to an article in The New Yorker.
The Government Has No Plan For Reuniting the Immigrant Families It is Tearing Apart
In the past two months, under the Trump Administration’s zero-tolerance policy, the government has taken some two thousand immigrant children away from their parents.
I captioned it thus:
I am sure they will come up with a solution, finally
A few people have warily told me that the comparison to the Nazis’ genocidal Final Solution is too rhetorically strong. I understand why they would say that; we should keep our powder dry on accusations of genocide.
Let me expand on my allusion.
There are two major schools of how the Nazis came to the point that they were building murder factories.
One is that their leadership fundamentally had mass murder in mind all along, and it only took them time to secure sufficient control that they could implement their designs. Many scholars hold to this view, and it was my own for a long time.
But many others have another read, and seeing events in the US unfold in the last year has me leaning more to it.
The other thesis says that the Nazis effectively painted themselves into a corner.
Here I’m going to speak a bit in the voice of Nazis, with the expectation that the reader will understand that I am very clear that Nazis and their line of thinking are evil.
They want to rid the nation of undesirables — Jews, communists, homosexuals, Roma, et cetera — and they hoped that just making life difficult enough for them would mean that the undesirables would emigrate and the problem would solve itself. But that doesn’t work, or at least not fast enough. So the Nazis start rounding people up to keep them from poisoning the society: kill off a few along the way, throw some in jail. But we are talking about a lot of people, so that doesn’t scale well. The Nazis start building specialized facilities, to pack undesirables in a few areas while figuring out what to do. Hence “concentration camps”: concentrating unwanted people out of the way, in a camp. They use the people in the camps as slave labor, because so long as you are going to the trouble to manage a facility full of monsters you cannot expose to the populace, you might as well, right?
But again, this doesn’t scale well. And by this time the Nazis are hard at work conquering Eastern Europe, so the they end up with even more Jews and communists and other undesirables on their hands. All of this gets to be more elaborate and expensive to run. Concentration camps prove not to be much of a solution, they are themselves a problem. They drain resources that should be devoted to winning the war and building autobahns and monumental architecture and developing scientific wonders and so forth. The attempt to get Jews to emigrate has already shown that repatriating millions of people to some other country is no kind of solution, either. Heck, other countries have been sending shiploads of Jewish refugees back for years and you’re stuck in this stupid war because the British stubbornly refuse to help you to claim the space you need. Maybe you can quarantine all those undesirables on the island of Madagascar when you’re done conquering Africa, but the war is taking a long time, and even that is not a real solution; then you have an island full of Jews plotting to overthrow you.
Golly, you just hadn’t thought it through.
These partial, temporary solutions are no good. You need a final solution.
And there you are.
Knowing this, reading this article about the lack of a plan gave me a chill. The architects of this policy aren’t thinking ahead. What do they do when they have camps and prisons with millions of undesirables? What do they do next?