A disconcerting article about what tomatoes are for:
Corn and potatoes became almost immediate staples the world over, but tomatoes took a surprisingly long road to popularity.
The reasons given for this lag have been several: tomatoes are a secondary crop and fell in the shadow of the other New World imports; they were misconstrued as ornamental fruits and used for display (thus the golden apples, the pomodoro, of Italy); they were quickly recognized as a relative of the poisonous belladonna by peasants who refused to grow them (they are a member of the “nightshade” or Solanaceae family, along with chile and bell peppers, potatoes and eggpant) — but I propose another, more curious reason.
What's the reason? I'll give you hint: Soylent Green presumably includes tomato flavoring ...
Reading that article made me hungry, truth be told, and it was prefaced by eating some lasagna a few minutes prior.
Reading that article made me hungry, truth be told, and it was prefaced by eating some lasagna a few minutes prior.
Reading that article made me hungry, truth be told, and it was prefaced by eating some lasagna a few minutes prior.
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