19 September 2006

Is it fascism yet?

Digby gives good rant, starting from a quote from conservative pundit Fred Barnes.
“It's really important at this stage ... to be thinking about how to institutionalize courses of action that will enable future presidents to gain the information necessary to prevent attack,” [Bush] said. This, presumably, would include the use of secret prisons, tough but legal interrogation techniques, a ban on lawsuits against interrogators, electronic eavesdropping, and monitoring of bank transfers, among other measures.
I assume he's accurately reporting what the president said. And he's reporting that Bush's plan to combat terrorism is to institutionalize torture, warrentless spying on his own citizens, indefinite detention, secret prisons, warrantless monitoring of bank transfers and legal immunity for those who carry out those tasks.
There is, of course, more, if you care to follow through the link.

1 comment:

TheWayOfTheGun said...

“It's really important at this stage ... to be thinking about how to institutionalize courses of action that will enable future presidents to gain the information necessary to prevent attack,”

Perhaps one such course of action we should institutionalize is that if the President receives a memo entitled "Bin Laden Determined To Attack Within The United States," he should actually read and act on it rather than continuing the longest vacation in Presidential history.

Just a thought.