02 May 2006


One other thing about that Ron Rosenbaum article, for folks who raise an eyebrow whenever they see the Spooky Number of the Æon. (For those who don't, let me summarize a great deal of esoteric weirdness by just saying that there's an occult idea that the number 93 represents the fierce zietgiest of our time and thus a road to enlightenment.)

If you eliminate the words "United" and "flight" from the article, you get something ... interesting.

But is the fable of 93 the recompense that it's been built up to be? Does what happened on 93 represent a triumph of the human spirit, a microcosmic model and portent of the ultimate victory of enlightenment civilization over theocratic savagery, as the prerelease publicity about the new film insists? Or is the story of 93 a different kind of portent, not "the DNA of our times," but rather the RIP?
Both pro- and anti-war camps have seized upon 93 in one way or another.
a Navy Seabee Iraq support base in Kuwait was called "Camp 93"
And what seems central to both the 93 conspiracy theories and the new 93 movie is the imagery of control and loss of control.
93 is a film that, we're told, will give us inspiration, courage, and wisdom.
No one wants to admit it, but no 93 fable of heroism can mask the fact that we now live in a world we are utterly unprepared for, a world out of control.
I did not come away from watching 93 feeling optimistic about the triumph of the human spirit and the superior resilience of enlightenment values. Quite the opposite. I came away with a feeling that history has been hijacked by a cult of the undead, or the wannabe dead, suicidal mass murderers driven by theocratic savagery. That, if you want a metaphoric fable, we're all on 93, we're all doomed to crash and burn; whatever we do, the best we can hope for is that the existential rewards of local acts of courage will help us hold on a little longer before the end of enlightenment civilization and the dawn of the dead.
Sorry, I know I sound a bit batty, but it just lept out at me.

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