24 March 2006


I know some feminists who refuse to refer to the "pro-life" movement, referring to them instead as "pro-pregnancy."

Via Digby, I learn that the Capla Kesting Fine Art gallery in Brooklyn is soon to be showing the sculpture "Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston." The gallery description is dumbfounding.

A nude Britney Spears on a bearskin rug while giving birth to her firstborn marks a 'first' for Pro-Life.
Dedication of the life-sized statue celebrates the recent birth of Spears' baby boy, Sean, and applauds her decision of placing family before career.
Natural aspects of Spears' pregnancy, like lactiferous breasts and protruding naval, compliment a posterior view that depicts widened hips for birthing and reveals the crowning of baby Sean's head.
Follow the link to the gallery listing. There is more mind-bending rhetoric, more quotation marks for emphasis, and ... oh, yes ... photographs of the sculpture.

You must see the photographs.

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