08 June 2005


DeLong reports a problem I have had, too.
There are all these people I know... who don't have weblogs... and then when I run into or call them, the usual thing is to find out how each of us is doing by trading stories... but I don't have any stories to trade--they've already read them on my weblog.

It's awkward. I propose a new social custom: if you don't have a weblog, you have to pretend that you haven't been reading the weblog of the person you are talking to until you have listened patiently to at least their three best relatively-new stories.

It's worse for my friends, actually. I keep a lot of unfinished drafts of weblog posts, and think about them while they're in limbo. So many of my friends experience rehersals of things that I'm planning to blog.

1 comment:

Indri said...

What about your friends who haven't been reading your blog, and you're surprised at how little they know about what's going on with you?