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24 May 2024

Trans women in prison

Returning to an old theme, I was recently asked about whether it was “appropriate” to place a trans woman convicted of multiple rapes in a women’s prison. Even if I assume that the specifics of the instance which inspired the question were rightly reported, which is not a safe assumption given the absurd lies common among opponents of trans liberation, I have to say —

It is more appropriate for that individual to be placed in a women’s prison than it is for ...

  • ... thousands of men to serve as guards in women’s prisons.
  • ... prison guards of any gender to be so weakly accountable that inmates are vulnerable to rape by guards.
  • ... inmates in prisons to be so poorly secured that they notoriously vulnerable to violence from other inmates including but not limited to rape.
  • ... prison rape to be a routine subject of “jokes” in our society.
  • ... the overwhelming majority of cis women in prison now to be placed in a women's prison, given the cruelty and counterproductiveness of even the best prison as a remedy for the things we use them for now.
  • ... Ted F*@%ing Cruz to pretend he is motivated by concern for the safety of women in prison rather than motivated by pandering to transphobia for political advantage.

I hope that clarifies my position.

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