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19 December 2012


I've been looking for a short description of the “neofeudal” order developing in our society and economy, and I find that Umair Haque delivers it in his short post The Neofeudal Degeneration.

  1. Neoserfdom
  2. Output fetishism
  3. Kleptarchy
  4. Patronage
  5. Cronyism

Update: Another quick summary from Haque describing this future in a different way, ganked from his Twitter feed:

  1. If you're part of the global poor, your life is probably going to improve. In some places, radically.
  2. If you're part of the middle class, especially in advanced economies, your future's going to be difficult.
  3. Middle classes will get bigger TVs, and eBooks, Tacocopters, but they won't get jobs, gains, wealth, security, or public goods.
  4. The real beneficiaries of this order are the global super-rich, whose gains are mounting at a truly staggering degree.
  5. And the real cost of this order is that we're deconstructing the elements of the great liberal project, that propelled humanity forward.
  6. If the future consists of “I Saw Your Boobs” and internet memes and AR glasses, it's not really a future. It's more of an anti-future.
  7. The pundits and the powers that be will tell you: all the preceding's OK, just fine, perfect, the only possibility. It's not.
  8. There's no one solution. There are billions of solutions. You are the solution.

Links reveal Twitter replies, many of which are interesting.

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